3 Feet From Gold
THREE FEET FROM GOLD One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake
THREE FEET FROM GOLD One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake
THE ART OF POSITIVE THINKING Everyday in life people experience set backs be it professional, personal, whatever, s**t happens! That's life and often its out of our control. What is however in
20 FOODS FOR A LEAN BODY “The 20 Foods That Work For Lean Bodies” Getting in great shape doesn’t have to include complex diets/Carb Cycles/Zero Carb Plans etc etc, some plans are
Optimal Exercise Time for Every Age Being active is an important part of staying healthy at any age. Just by spending the optimal amount of time exercising each week, you'll become healthier. Regular
5 Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Weight Loss Have you ever wondered... Why do so many diets end in failure? Why is it so easy to gain lost weight back? And why can't you maintain
MK Fit Body Bootcamp News 16 October, 2012 Get More Out of Exercise Time How effective is your exercise time? Do you workout enthusiastically, feeling the burn with a smile, pushing yourself to the
ARE YOU AN ELEPHANT? ARE YOU AN ELEPHANT? In some cultures around the world baby elephants are conditioned in such a way that they form powerful belief systems which are almost impossible
WHAT IS IN MY FOOD AND DRINK? BREAKDOWN OF CALS IN FOODS 1 gram of protein = 4cals 1 gram of carbs = 4cals 1 gram of fat = 9 cals 1 gram of alcohol